Management Training
Train the leaders
What difference does it make, if your managers perform less than optimally? Plenty. If they set the direction poorly, as the direction relates to either people, process, or technology, then impacts to the organization as a whole could be severe. Training these leaders is imperative. But, obviously, optimized training is optimal. That is why Explorative Space is your best bet for cost-effective molding of your organization's most important human asset: its managers.
Custom designed
training programs
Explorative Space consultants will work with your organization to tailor our core principles to apply to your specific needs. In the end, we will deliver a best fit, best of breed, training program that will transform individual managers into generators of value and productivity that will accelerate the growth of the entire organization.
"Deep 6" all alternative training programs
At Explorative Space our core management training principles resonate around six deep dimensions of management efficacy:
1. Critical Thinking
2. Creative Thinking
3. Decision Making
4. Problem Solving
5. Conflict Resolution
6. Future Proofing